Details for this torrent 

Reason 4.0 mac
Applications > Mac
1.7 GB

+7 / -0 (+7)

Sep 26, 2007


This is Propellerheads Reason 4.0 (build 905) Universal Binary for Mac Os X, was originally posted on demon oid, but seems to be down now so added tpb tracker. The disk image includes the Reason 4 Application folder and the orkester and factory sound banks.


we will have to wait until it appears.

The only seeds will initially come from the DHT, so you first guys will be best off using Azureus.

Please seed



Reason 4s out?
To install you don't need to burn if you have toast titanium. toast.
2.under image file, select image file, select Reason4.dmg mount image file
4.In finder, drag reason folder to applications. Reason 4, and let it copy the soundbanks across.
6. Enter serial number(when it appears).
7.Enjoy reason and seed forever.
8.If you have the money and use it a lot, buy it.

I know this is a .dmg file but the program itself is cross platform right?
@barabusignasius:There is obviously is a version for windows, but pretty sure this one is just for mac, its not a hybrid dvd.
thanks..I was just wondering because the prop shop only has one version.
so is this an exact image of the retail dvd?
And big thanks for the upload. )
OK so if this the version from the hopefully soon to be back ******** then it is a retail dvd. However you say that it is pre retail build. Which is it? There is only one retail version reason and it is cross platform.
@barabusignasius: i never said it was a pre retail build,on demon-oid the guy who posted said it was image of retail dvd,he also said it should work with windows as well, but ive tried mounting the image and cant find any windows installer. dunno bad, I thought "(build 905)" meant pre-retail. Sorry
@adam...yup..until I try im not sure but I think you have to first convert it to an ISO then burn it. then install from the dvd. I hope it works....and thanks again:)
yeah, i converted to an iso and mounted in toast, and it just appeared as the mac cd, normally hybrid disk images mount as 2 different cds for mac and win. good luck anywayz
If you have any friends that use a MAC ask them to burn this as a disc image

It will then install on windows as if you bought an original copy
so no one has completed this download yet?...the other torrent seems to be dead at too?
hmmmm - this looks dodgy....

No-one completed.....

Why would anyone seed a file that wasn't complete unless they were looking to waste your time?
@barabusignasius & mrvidder: the downloaded 0 times doesn't mean anything, there are 44 seeds, so al least 44 people have completed it. why would i want to waste anyones time? Its easy to spot a fake, click on the user that posted and check other torrents.
mrvidder as far as i can tell this is the torrent that was posted on demon - oid if thats the case this is not a fake, it's the real deal
I was able to browse contents of image and it appears to be the real deal....however I could not, after following all suggestions from various places, get this to install on windowsXP. As adam said earlier there is no windows installer on the image.
Thanks anyway adam666. Im jealous of all you mac users messin around with thor as we speak :(


Still no serial?
This image is only in HFS+ format, so it's just the Mac installer. Which makes me believe it's NOT the release. Also, the filedates are all from August which seem too old as well.
I will just upload the Reason 4 disc iso it make it a lot easier for all you windows users

Yes, still no serial it will pop up no dout
thanks @EchoRob ...Your a champ. Still Im curious as to how you did it?
I just burnt it on OS x with Disc Utilities as a disc image.

I will upload a windows friendly version ASAP
by the way this is the real deal it's 100% final release
Just installing windows now to make sure it work's 100% before i upload it
Thank you EchoRob, I've been looking for the windows version for hours... When/If I find a serial I will post it here first thing.
Indeed many thanks EchoRob...Did everything work out ok on the test run?
@barabusignasius, It's been several hours since his last post, I guess we can only wait
Sorry everyone i have had computer troubles i will get the windows friendly version up ASAP

Once again my apologizes

I will get the torrent up ASAP
Hopefully by the time you guys download it we have a serial :)
yes!!, Thanks again EchoRob, I really apprechiate that you take the time to do this.
@EchoRob, where did you get your copy? another torrent site?
Yes, from Demono - id before it got shut down

I am having trouble with my imac's superdrive as soon as i get it sorted out i can make a windows version
I am get so fucked of with this fn mac
Ok, are you sure that you have the windows version also? I searched demono before but couldn't find one.
no worries man...all in good time...Im really looking forward to the new sequencer. It looks sweet.

@SadAnt....when did you search deminoyd?
well, only trough google's cached files of the site, but thats when I found the first OSX only torrent, like this one here, so I thought there was no windows version on that site. Of course it's not even close to search the site when it's up and running. And yes the sequencer looks great, have you been using reason for long? Ive been using it since V1 and rebirth before that, so im definatly stuck!
just about two years now.
ok. what kind of music are you producing? I'm in to electronica
all kinds of stuff...some electronica but more mixed up stuff some sampling and looping of live sounds and I also import some of my own guitar work into Dr rex. Right now Im more into electronic stuff like Air and The Postal Service that mixes up live playing and electronic but also listen to and try and learn from stuff like Auechtre and Mouse On Mars and Squarepusher
and Funkstorung. Also learning about about production techniques.
Manu Chao is one of my favorites in terms of production techs. Like tons of looping all sorts of random samples around more traditional playing and singing. And mixing all sorts of styles too.
Ok, sounds nice. I wonder how things are going for EchoRob?
Guys i am so sorry my superdrive in my imac is not working and it's going to cost a fn $650 to fix stuff that so i am just going to buy an external dvd burner i promise i;ll have the torrent up ASAP

I am still hopping we'll have a serial buy then
Don't worry about it, thank you for trying for all of us
just woke up.....sorry to hear about your computer troubles EchoRob..that totally sucks way more than me having to wait for this program. Hope you get it sorted out and thanks for lookin out.
Within the next 24 hours i should have it up

I am still busting my guts trying to find a serial

@barabusignasius, Not trying to get to personal, but are you working as an artist with music, or is it more of a hobby that you only do on spare time? just a hobby now. I used to want to be a musician. Now I just want to make music...; )

But being as I can no longer work very much. I have alot of spare time. I guess i spend more time with music now then when I was trying to be a musician. But its just a hobby now.
P.S. I would buy this software if I could. But Im broke as eff-all. I couldnt even afford internet if I didnt pick up my neighbors wireless signal..hehe.
But this software is brilliant and I would definitely buy it if I ever had the oppportunity.

How bout you? R you poor too? :)
its weird that not one other torrent has appeared besides this one. And with no one can even confirm that it works. Whats the world coming too?
so...there is a torrent claiming to be reason 4 for windows with serials. However I am skeptical because it says its three discs. I dont know, besides there is no seeder at the moment. The torrent was posted today. Heres the link
also the torrent is 2.17 gigs and has TPB listed as a tracker. I think its reason 3.
yup...the serial numbers are for reason 3...some bastard changed the name.
This torrent works it's 100% real

As soon as i can get a new dvd drive i will upload a windows version

There is still no serial so we all have to just sit back and wait
I cannot wait.

I am going to kill everyone in the world.


No reason.
Why this? I cannot wait to try this new Reason guys. Thor is waiting for us. Where´re the serials???????????????
As I said at the other torrent "@EchoRob, If you can install in vmWare, why not install a program on XP in VMware that makes an iso of the disc when it shows the windows files in vmware?" Is there anyone who understood that? and if so, shouldn't this be possible?
I still would think you'd be able to see the Windows files in the dmg when opened in MagicISO. This whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense, and I'm holding off until someone actually gets this working in Windows.
Probably morpe. But I'm not going to be the one to try it :-P
files extracted with transmac,works fine,but no .exe ...

any way to get it started on xp?
"AIR" is exactly what we need
I have a reason 4 on dvd and it will install on windows i just can't do anything at the moment as my dvd drive is dead

i will be buying a new external drive when the shops reopen here its a god dammm long week end

i feel your pain peoples i will upload it ASAP

in the mean time im on a mission to find a serial
serials please? anyone?
ya please serial...been looking everywhere
need to use reason 4444444444..................pls serial....
It says Mac but....isnt Reason a hybrid program wich works on both PC's as well as Mac's?

I typrd Logic 9
* LOGIC 9 Full Download
* LOGIC 9 with Cracks and serials
* LOGIC 9 2007
cubase sx 5
Results for CUBASE SX 5SpeedDownloads
CUBASE SX 5 Full Version 1338KB/s277 Times
CUBASE SX 5 (October 2007) 764KB/s651 Times
CUBASE SX 5 ISO 774KB/s134 Times


the search engines has routines
Cubase 5? SX? HAAAAAAAAAA. Is funy Hope with serial ha ha ha.
where is serial reason 4 please help me
RSN400-0000-457224-6UPK-H42Y-QS9N your gonna love me
Confirmed. The serial works. Lyndon20, I want to marry you and have your children :)
Lyndon20 you´re my hero. Thaaaaaaaaaaaanks
YES! This reason looks better than ever.
serial please?
where is the fucking serial... please? :-)
sorry! i didn't read the third page! Lyndon20 marry me!
hey finbar....I just saw the Air release in the windows section...I came here to tell everyone and when I went back it was gone???????

Is it a fake? Are you downloading it?
I'm having a problem installing this on my mac, it keeps asking me to insert the DVD disc no matter what i do. Can someone help?
yeh it works as long as you burn it to disc! i did it using toast and worked perfectly all the best to you all just incase you dont know how to go back a page here is the serial again
RSN400-0000-457224-6UPK-H42Y-QS9N thanks
actually just found out a few more
Use any of these serials

The torrent that was on this site was the real deal, but the guy who uploaded was having trouble (it was his first torrent upload), so he probably deleted it when it wasn't working right. I'm downloading it now via another site. SHould have it by the end of the night.
Which files should i put onto disks? I've tried putting the sound bank and orkester files onto disks and when i insert them the program still sits at the waiting for disc screen. Thanks for the help
@Ender... put ALL the files on the disc :-p
yes yes yes yes YES

FINALLY wooooohooooo
@Lyndon20 your a rockstar
Lol it's way too big to put on one disc
winner 2007 airiso
Fucking A!

Finally a serial!
What kept?!
Thank all of you for nagging :D :D enjoy reason 4 like I'm doing right now !
Hi all can anyone confirm that this build 905 is the full mac version or should i get the air release, by the way im a mac user.
Build 905 is supposedly the full release. I cant confirm tht though...Id go with the scene release to be safe....although there is no confirmation yet on any of the scene sites that this is a legit release
...At least not on any of the scene sites I have access to
Ok thanks very much i appreciate it.
i dont understand. is it possible at all to make it work on PC?
Why only mac releases?
No you'll need to download another torrent. For some reason whoever ripped this originally only ripped the Mac portion of the disc. Delete this if you've got Windows, it won't work.
Look for one closer to 2GB, not 1.7
i've installed but when i try to use it i get unknown exception message when i try to enter the serial
I am downloading the air release

Soon as it's finished ( 92% done) i will upload it here
I've burned the entire folder onto a DVD and put it in and i still get the please insert Reason DVD message during installation. I'm on an intel based mac barely a month old. Can anyone think of something i might be doing wrong? I appreciate it

I'm using this on a Mac and it's very very stable (and it looks like multicoreprocessors are supported!) :-D
I can think of a hundred things you might be doing wrong
@Ender...Go to google and type this into thew search bar...."how do I burn a .dmg image to a disk".... I dont know much about Macs. But I know you shouldnt be burning any "folders" onto a disc. You should burning an "Disc Image" onto the disc.
Does anyone know if Reason3 needs to first be un-installed before installing v4
Ender05, Open up the reason 4 disk .dmg then go to applications/utilities and select DISC UTILITIES then in the left side menu select the reason 4 .dmg and click the burn button top left

Then you will be good to go.
no need to uninstall reason 3
I'm gonna keep seeding as long as i can FUCKING Great program,ps does anyone know the code for audiorealism bassline 2(not bassline pro) i wanna use it but can't
find a serial anywhere,CHEERS!
Rubarb, look here , the serial is on there
cheers Echorob! but it only works for pc not mac
(i forgot to mention sorry!)
Ender05 I had the exact same problem as you.
I'm a little clueless and ended up wasting 3 dvd-rs.

Follow the advice of barabusignasius and google search 'how do I burn a .dmg to a disk, mac'.

The first link in the search should be from 'LifeHacker'. Follow the directions exactly and you
should be good to go.

G*d bless, lyndon20 for the serial, barabusignasius for the advice and PB for the links! yeeeahaaww!!!!
you have to burn a dvd, just copy the .dmg file and the Reason installs. It worked prefectly for me. We only need a serial number now! With Reason you can fire the drummer, guitarist and keyboard player. You need a techno geek to figure out the dayam program though, lol... Have fun
@mkhmkh: As i posted on the first page, you can install without burning to dvd with toast titanium: toast.
2.under image file, select image file, select Reason4.dmg mount image file
4.In finder, drag reason folder to applications. Reason 4, and let it copy the soundbanks across.
6. Enter serial number (a few pages back),
7.Enjoy reason and seed forever.
Hey for those who're still having trouble with installing this on a Mac here's a hint, so that you don't have to burn anything at all. You actually don't need to burn nothing, here're the steps(taking adam666 post as a starter!!):

@mkhmkh: As i posted on the first page, you can install without burning to dvd with toast titanium: toast.
2.under image file, select image file, select Reason4.dmg mount image file
4.In finder, drag reason folder to applications. Reason 4, and let it copy the soundbanks across.
*** this is the point at which everyone's getting stuck, because REASON asks you to insert the dvd again at this point, ok. You don't need to burn any dvd with whatever file just mount the image from toast again, and that'll be it--continue with the next step!!***
6. Enter serial number (a few pages back),
7.Enjoy reason and seed forever.

PS: REASON 4 is the S*#$*%&^&T!!!! THANX FOR UPLOADING!!!


take your pic (Y)

just thought id give you some more because..

well because i can =]
adam666 & djtdon - Props and respect! This is a great release and you are a credit to the community.
@djbeano its cool and no trouble lol

thanks for saying thanks (Y) i have got loads of stuff off TPB so its the least i could do
but yeh thanks adam666 even though this is not the version i downloaded lol

just thanks for uploading
Big up adam666 for the upload
Big up orestes27 for the hint
Big up djtdon for the serials numbers

and now ...let's have some fun ....don't you think ?

I agree @elhuitchol

p.s google me (Y)
when i try and mount the reason4.dmb file i get the following message:

couldn't complete the last command because of a mac os error
result code=192

anyone getting the same prob?
Urm i duno im not using a mac or this version but just try restarting you PC first and see if it runs ok
it tells me i need a license number....i tried entering a serial number, but thats not what it's looking for. any help? please?
My mac says "can not open reason engine Please reinstall to make sure that the reason engine is properly installed" . can you explane reeaaal careful how to toast, because i know i am doing wrong. please help me, bless !
normmmal thanx
Thanx guys its workes :D
OK so I've burnt the .dmg image onto a dvd and inserted the dvd back in- and clicked on the dvd - copied the reason folder to my applications and then double clicked on the reason logo. The animation which happens when you launch a program happens but nothing loads or happens. What am I doing wrong?
help anyone?
Worked great, thanx
anyone recieved media operation error message when trying to open redrum?
help please: having some trouble installing this, i've burned 2 dvds, one with toast and one with burn, following the instructions for .dmg files, and whenever i try to install reason, after the "insert reason 4.0 dvd" screen, it just spits the dvd back out. cant wat to get the new version, any advice?
so i'm trying to follow these directions for installing, toast doesn't do anything when i click mount, it looks like its thinking for a few seconds and then nothing happens
hey when it says insert a disc i burned a cd with the dmg file on it but the disc just ejects as soon as its read. and how do u get a license # bcuz my friend got past my part by burning a disc with the dmg file on it and he had to put a license # on it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
please seed!!!
Hmm, is there anyway I can avoid burning even if I don't have toast on my mac?
ill post those serials one more time

I just bought my iMac this past Thursday and was worried about buying this joint. GOOD LOOK.
what do you do with the dmg file. You burn it as a cd or dvd. or what. I'm new to the Mac world.
I opened up toast, itunes opened up and I got "twista hip hop mix. What the hell is that? The reason folder...does it contain two files? The dmg and a note?
did you guys ever get a message: "no mountable file system, after clicking on the dmg file. Am I burning the dvd wrong or titling the DVD wrong? WHERE"S EVERYBODY!!. Two days on this comp.
i burned the disk but it just pops back out when i put it in my comp help?
Sorry, new to all this, can i use any one of the serial numbers some of you guys listed? what if someone else used one of them?
Dont wanna get F#@$Ked.
yh u can
Do I enter the serial into the password bar? I cant get past that thing that has you enter your name, organization, and password.
hey everyone, i have mac osx and i was having similar problems with a lot of folks. i extracted the rar file, used toast to make a disc image of the reason.iso, then i mounted it, tried to copy it to my apps, then when i ran it from my apps, it asked me for the DVD!

okay problem solved:
this may not work for everyone but it worked for me and remember i have osx.
follow these steps:
1.)extract the .rar file
2.)simply change the .iso file extension to .dmg in Get info
3.)Use toast to mount directly (from the utilities toolbar) the .dmg file you just made
4.)Move Reason folder to your apps
5.)THEN try running Reason from your apps folder and you will not be prompted for the DVD!

for some reason these steps worked perfectly for me. i think it was because i directly changed the file extension and/or mounting the .iso or .dmg DIRECTLY as opposed to making a DISC IMAGE. Hopefully this helps!
do exactle as riten above worked for me but it was already a dmg file works great thans for the up
im sorry if the question is stupid but im new on this...i wanted to know if i can register reason if i used one of the serial numbers posted???
I get to the point where reason is installing and copy the sound banks when i get this " Failed To Copy Orkester Sound Bank
Could not copy Orkester sound bank since the file "Orkester.rfl" or Reason application folder on your hard drive is locked"
any help would be great

How do i get passed the organisation and username screen?

is this illegal?
there are 87 seeders but i'm still on at 2.0 ks per, can anyone with the whole file and a great upload speed please seed this? thankyou so much.
I'm fluctuating between 1 and 2kbps please more seeds.
When I click on the application I get a error message that reads "unknown exception".
Does anybody know what this is and how to fix it?
I'm runing macbook pro os 10.4.11
hi everybody can somebody please help me, i just download this & when i open it, it says i need the reason 4 dvd, what should i do
Need at leeast Tiger to run. Mac OS X 10.4
allright so, i mount the shit(which is the .dmg file) with Toast, took a second then a box apperars and says "couldnt complete the last command because of a Mac OS error Result code= 192" what the fuck? I got mac OS X version 10.4.11 with 100 GB free disc space.... what could possibly be wrong?

aahhh this is the worst with downloading. Shit just never works. I guess i'll just have to go and buy it..

My Dear Friends, just for share with you:
For some 'Reason' that i dont understand, mount DMG directly from Mac OS is diferent from mount via Toast.
I try the first one and system allways ask for a second DVD.
So, Mount DMG file with Toast, keep it mounted during the instalation, and,... voilá. Works Perfect.
Hi Adam Thanks a lot for this wonderful program, i will answer for you some of the questions

Guys just doble clik in the reason.dmg this will create an image in your desktop, you need to have Toast now just copy it.

Put your new DVD and install it !!!

I use one of the serial from this page and also works fine

That is it
it works for me on a PowerBook Pro with OS X 10.4.11

All the best

and thanks again Adam
Hey ya'll can you seed for me? Arigato.
i cant find the dmg file, can anyone help...
for the 4.01 ?
the demo could be used or need a patch ?
because this version crash a lot?
That thing works fine, if you do like written in the instructions.
PLEASE seed.

can anyone help me out at the stage where it asks for my name, organization and license number?

What is the license number? (it doesnt seem to be the serial number...)

any help would be appreciated.
what am i doing wrong cant transfer the dmg from my pc to mac
help help help want to share in the joys of 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!
copies to dvd but doesnt work on the mac whats the prob someone anyone everyone help?!!!





i mounted the disc with toast and opened it from my apps. as soon as i try to start the install it tells me that it cant install orkester soundbanks because there isnt enough hard drive space. i have like 87 gb of space...whats the deal? can someone please help?!
Hey I've tried to mount the .dmg file several times, copy the contents to my apps folder and open reason there, but I still get prompted to insert the Reason 4 DVD. How can I get this to work because nothing I try to do seems to work?
says "not enough hard drive space" and refuses to install...i have 87 gb of space. whats the deal? please help.
Thanks very much for this.
I used TOAST TITANIUM to make an image file of the .dmg file downloaded here. Then from toast I opened the image file which fooled my Mac into thinking I inserted the REASON DVD. Copy the REASON folder to your Applications folder then run the setup file from that folder. Everything should install just fine from there. Afterwards I used a serial number found in this forum. Good luck, it took me about four minutes to figure it out.
how do I go on on the license number step?

some one can help me?

tnx u all..
Followed these instructions and it worked PERFECTLY! Thanks an ton!

To install you don't need to burn if you have toast titanium. toast.
2.under image file, select image file, select Reason4.dmg mount image file
4.In finder, drag reason folder to applications. Reason 4, and let it copy the soundbanks across.
6. Enter serial number(when it appears).
a guys i need sum help i hav qsx 10.4.8 and when i down load it doeint let open the down load it a blank paper can any help please?
im having probs guys i im new in tha mac world i downloaded this and get a blank paper ion when downloading i dont have toast wat to i do>i have the mac osx 10.4.8
Mac users, you do not need to download a another torrent for the Reason DVD, or another program like Toast to mount the disk image properly.

This is what I did, and it worked fine:

Open the Disk Utility program, which can be found under Applications>Utilities>Disk Utility.
Using this to burn the Reason4.dmg file to a dvd. (If you do it without the disk utility program or an equivalent, it will just burn a data dvd, pretty much the same as having the dmg file saved on a thumb drive). Now, take the dvd out and click on the Reason4.dmg file which is still on your computer, and open reason, drag it into the applications folder, and start reason. Now it will prompt you for the reason dvd. Insert your dvd and it should start installing. Use one of the serial numbers that have been posted amongst these comments.

there the serials i posted you lil bitch dont try and take credit

fuckin fag
Hey, thanks so much for all the help and hints, but I'm stuck like a few others on one simple step.

There is a screen that says:

"Username ..... Organization ..... License Number"

The Serial Numbers in this forum don't work for this part so how do I get a License Number?

It would be greatly appreciated if I could get a License Number. Thanks a lot,

Nevermind, the License Number is the Serial Number ...

I used: RSN400-0000-751649-JVF2-3J4V-Y5G3

hint: make sure that when you copy there is no extra space after the last number

Great Torrent!!!
it wont mount says not recognized?
wont extract with expander either, all that was downloaded was the dmg, no rar. files?
all you need is the dmg
seed please :)

thank you!
When I try to open Reason, it says "Please insert the Reason 4 DVD. Waiting for disk...". What should I do?
Same boat as cormos
I'm having the same problem... do you have to burn it to a dvd first? If so will a cdr work?